3,059 research outputs found

    Anticonvulsant drug actions on neurons in cell culture

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    Two actions of clinically used antiepileptic drugs have been studied using mouse neurons in primary dissociated cell culture. The antiepileptic drugs phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were demonstrated to limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials at free serum concentratons that are achieved in patients being treated for epilepsy. Furthermore, an active metabolite of carbamazepine also limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing while inactive metabolites of phenytoin and carbamazepine did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials, but only at concentrations achieved during the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus. Ethosuximide did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing even at concentrations four times those achieved in the serum of patients treated for generalized absence seizures. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines enhanced postsynaptic GABA responses at concentrations achieved free in the serum during treatment of generalized tonic-clonic or generalized absence seizures. However, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid and ethosuximide did not modify postsynaptic GABA responses at therapeutic free serum concentrations. These results suggest that the ability of antiepileptic drugs to block generalized tonicclonic seizures and generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus may be related to their ability to block high frequency repetitive firing of neurons. The mechanism underlying blockade of myoclonic seizures may be related to the ability of antiepileptic drugs to enhance GABAergic synaptic transmission. The mechanism underlying management of generalized absence seizures remains unclear.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41657/1/702_2005_Article_BF01243417.pd

    Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on GABA Responses and on Reduction of GABA Responses by PTZ and DMCM on Mouse Neurons in Cell Culture

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    The mechanisms of action of antiepileptic drugs effective against generalized absence seizures (antiabsence AEDs) remain uncertain. Antiabsence AEDs are generally effective against seizures induced in experimental animals by pentylenÉtÉtrazol (PTZ) and methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-Β-carboline-3-carboxylate (DMCM), drugs which reduce GABAergic inhibition. Thus, antiabsence AEDs have been suggested to enhance GABAergic inhibition. We studied the effects of several AEDs on GABA responses recorded from mouse spinal cord neurons grown in primary dissociated cell culture. Four antiabsence AEDs were included: ethosuximide (ESM), dimethadione (DMO), sodium valproate (VPA), and diazepam (DZP). Two experimental AEDs, CGS 9896 and ZK 91296, with anticonvulsant action against PTZ- or DMCM-induced seizures were also included. Possible effects of the antiabsence and experimental AEDS on PTZ- and DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses were also evaluated. PTZ and DMCM revers-ibly reduced GABA responses in a concentration-dependent manner. PTZ complÉtÉly inhibited GABA responses at 10 mM (IC 50 of 1.1 mM), whereas DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses reached a plateau level of 39% of control values at 1 p.M (IC 50 of 33 nM). ESM (1,200 ΜM), DMO (6 mM), VPA (200 u.M), CGS 9896 (2 ΜM), and ZK 98% (2 Μ M ) did not alter GABA responses. DZP enhanced GABA responses in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition of GABA responses produced by PTZ 1 mM was unaltered by ESM (600 Μ M ), DMO (6 mM), CGS 9896 (1 Μ M), or ZK 9896 (1 ΜM)- Coapplication of VPA (200 ΜM) and PTZ (1 mM) slightly enhanced the PTZ effect. DZP (> 10 nM), however, reversed the PTZ-induced reduction of GABA responses. The DMCM (250 nM) inhibition of GABA-responses was unaltered by ESM (600 Μ.M), DMO (2 mM), or VPA (200 ΜM). CGS 9896 (2 Μ M ) and ZK 91296 (2 ΜM), however, antagonized the DMCM effect. DZP (> 10 nM) significantly reversed the DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses. The lack of effect of VPA, ESM, and DMO on postsynaptic GABA responses suggests that direct enhancement of postsynaptic GABA action is not a common mechanism of action of antiabsence AEDs. The AEDs DZP, CGS 98%, and ZK 912% all reversed DMCM, but not PTZ, reduction of GABA responses, suggesting that these AEDs blocked DMCM seizures by acting at benzodiazepine receptors. However, since only DZP enhanced GABA responses, it is unclear how CGS 98% and ZK 912% blocked PTZ seizures. Key Words: Anticonvulsants–GABA–Neuron culture–Cell culture–Spinal cord neurons–Convulsants. RESUMEN Los mecanismos de accidn de las medicaciones antiepilÉpticas eficaces contra los ataques generalizados de ausencia (AEDs antiausencia) permanecen inciertos. Los AEDs antiausencia son, generalmente, eficaces contra ataques experimentales inducidos por el pentilentetrazol (PTZ) y el metil-6,7-dimetoxy-4-etil-Pcarbolina-3-carboxilato (DMCM) en animates, medicaciones que reducen la inhibiciÓn GABAÉrgica. Hemos estudiado los efectos de varios AEDs sobre respuestas-GABA registradas en las neuronas de la mÉdula espinal de ratones que habian crecido en cultivos de cÉlulas primarieas disociadas. Cuatro AEDs antiausencia fueron incluidos: etoxusimida (ESM), dimetadiona (DMO), valproato sÓdico (VPA) y diazepan (DZP). TambtÉn se incluyeron dos AEDs experimentales, CGS 9896 y ZK 912%, con acciÓn anticonvulsiva contra los ataques inducidos por PTZ o DMCM. TambiÓn se valoraron los posibles efectos de los AEDs antiausencia y experimentales sobre el PTZ y la inhibiciÓn de las respuestas-GABA inducidas por el DMCM. El PTZ y el DMCM redujeron las respuestas-GABA de modo reversible y dependiendo de sus concentraciones. El PTZ inhibiÓ cmpleta-mente las respuestas-GABA a 10 mM (IC 50 de 1.1 mM) mientras que la inhibitiÓn de las respuestas GABA inducida por el DMCM alcanzÓ un nivel estable del 39% de los valores control con 1 Μ. M (IC 50 de 33 mM). La ESM (1200 Μ.M), la DMO (6 mM), el VPA (200 Μ M ), el CGS 98% (2 Μ M) y el ZK 98% (2 Μ M) no alteraron las respuestas-GABA. El DZP aumentÓ las respuestas GABA de una manera concentraciÓn-dependiente. La inhibition de las respuestas-GABA producidas por el PTZ (1 mM), no se altero con las ESM (600 Μ M), la DMO (6 mM), el CGS 98% (1 Μ M) o el ZK 98% (1 Μ .M). La co-aplicacion de VPA (200 Μ M) y el PTZ (1 mM) aument6 ligeramente los efectos del PTZ. Sin embargo el DZP (10 nM) revirtiÓ significativamente la inhibition de las respuestas GABA inducidas por el DMCM. La falta de efectos de CPA, ESM y DMO sobre las respuestas GABA post-sinÁpticas sugiere que el incremento de la acciÓn GABA post-sinÁptica no es un mecanismo comÚn de actuatiÓn de las AEDs antiausencia. Todas las AEDs DZP, CGS 98% y ZK 912% revirtieron la reduction de las respuestas GABA producidas por el DMCM pero no las inducidas por el PTZ lo que sugiere que estos AEDs bloquean los ataques DMCM actuando sobre los receptores de la benzodiazepina. Sin embargo, puesto que el incremento de las respuestas GABA sÓlÓ se produce por el DZP, permanece todavia sin aclarar el por quÉ el CGS 98% y el ZK 912% bloquean los ataques producidos por el PTZ. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Wirkmechansimus von Antiepileptika gegen generalisierte Absencen ist unklar. Antiabsencemittel sind generell wirkungs-voll gegen PTZ- und Methyl-6,7-Dimethoxy-4-Äthyl-P-Carbolin-Β-Carboxylat (DMCM) induzierte tierexperimentelle AnfÄlle, also von Medikamenten, die die GABA-erge Inhibition reduzieren. Es wurde vermutet, daß Antiabsencemittel die GABA-erge Inhibition verstÄrken. Wir untersuchten die Wirkung von verschiedenen Antiepileptika auf GABA-Antworten in spinalen MÄuseneuronen, die in Zellkulturen gew-achsen waren. Es wurden 4 Absencemittel untersucht: Ethosux-imid (ESM), Dimethadion (DMD), Sodium Valproat (VPA) und Diazepam (DZP). ZusÄtzlich wurden 2 experimentelle Antiepileptika, CGS 98% und ZK 912%, die gegen PTZ0 oder DMCM-induzierte AnfÄlle wirkungsvoll sind, eingeschlossen. Mogliche Wirkungen der Antiabsence- und experimentellen Antiepileptika auf PTZ- und DMCM-induzierte Hemmung der GABA-Antworten wurden ebenfalls ausgewertet. PTZ und DMCM zeigten eine konzentrationsabhÄngige reversible Reduktion der GABA-Antworten. PTZ zeigte eine komplette Hemmung der GABA-Antworten bei 10 mM (IC 50 1,1 mM), DMCM-Hemmung der GABA-Antworten zeigte ein Plateau von 39% der Kontroll-werte bei 1 uJtf (ICJO von 33 mAfl. ESM (1200 uJtf), DMD (6 mM), VPA (200 Μ M), CGS 98% (2 Μ M) und ZK 98% (2 Μ M) anderten nicht die GABA-Antworten. DZP verstarkte die GABA-Antworten konzentrationsabhangig. Die durch PTZ (1 mM) hervorgerufene Hemmung der GABA-Antworten war bei ESM (600 Μ M), DMD (6 mM), CGS 98% (1 mAO und ZK 3836 (1 mM) unverÄndert. ZusÄtliche Anwendung von VPA (200 mM) und PTZ (1 mM) verstÄrkten geringfÜgig den PTZ-Effekt. DZP (10 nM) kehrte die durch PTZ hervorgerufene Reduktion der GABA-Antworten um. Die durch DMCM (250 nM) hervorgerufene Hemmung der GABA-Antworten war durch ESM (600 Μ .M), DMD (2 mM) und VPA (200 Μ M ) unbeeinflusst. CGS 98% (2 Μ M) und ZK 912% (2 Μ M ) antagonisierten die DMCM-Wirkung. DZP (>10 nM) kehrte die durch DMCM-induzierte Hemmung der GABA-Antworten um. Das Fehlen einer Wirkung von VPA. ESM und DMD auf die postsynaptischen GABA-Antworten legen nahe, daß eine direkte VerstÄrkung der postsynaptischen GABA-Aktion kein gemeinsamer Mechanis-mus der Antiabsencemittel darstellt. Die Antiepileptika DZP, CGS 98% und ZK 912% kehrten die DMCM-Wirkung auf die GABA-Antworten um, jedoch nicht die von PTZ, was vermuten lapt, daß diese Antiepileptika die DMCM-AnfÄlle Über die Wirkung an den Benzodiazipin-Rezeptoren verhinderte. Da jedoch nur DZP GABA-Antworten verstarkte, ist unklar, in welcher Weise CGS 98% und ZK 912% die PTZ-AnfaUe ver-hinderten.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65188/1/j.1528-1157.1989.tb05275.x.pd

    Computational modelling of emboli travel trajectories in cerebral arteries: Influence of microembolic particle size and density

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Ischaemic stroke is responsible for up to 80 % of stroke cases. Prevention of the reoccurrence of ischaemic attack or stroke for patients who survived the first symptoms is the major treatment target. Accurate diagnosis of the emboli source for a specific infarction lesion is very important for a better treatment for the patient. However, due to the complex blood flow patterns in the cerebral arterial network, little is known so far of the embolic particle flow trajectory and its behaviour in such a complex flow field. The present study aims to study the trajectories of embolic particles released from carotid arteries and basilar artery in a cerebral arterial network and the influence of particle size, mass and release location to the particle distributions, by computational modelling. The cerebral arterial network model, which includes major arteries in the circle of Willis and several generations of branches from them, was generated from MRI images. Particles with diameters of 200, 500 and 800 μ m and densities of 800, 1,030 and 1,300 kg/m 3 were released in the vessel's central and near-wall regions. A fully coupled scheme of particle and blood flow in a computational fluid dynamics software ANASYS CFX 13 was used in the simulations. The results show that heavy particles (density large than blood or a diameter larger than 500 μ m) normally have small travel speeds in arteries; larger or lighter embolic particles are more likely to travel to large branches in cerebral arteries. In certain cases, all large particles go to the middle cerebral arteries; large particles with higher travel speeds in large arteries are likely to travel at more complex and tortuous trajectories; emboli raised from the basilar artery will only exit the model from branches of basilar artery and posterior cerebral arteries. A modified Circle of Willis configuration can have significant influence on particle distributions. The local branch patterns of internal carotid artery to middle cerebral artery and anterior communicating artery can have large impact on such distributions. © 2014 The Author(s)

    Mechanisms of Action of Currently Prescribed and Newly Developed Antiepileptic Drugs

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    Clinically available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) decrease membrane excitability by interacting with neurotransmitter receptors or ion channels. AEDs developed before 1980 appear to act on sodium (Na) channels, -y-aminobutyric acid A (GABA A ) receptors, or calcium (Ca) channels. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates enhance GABA A -receptor-mediated inhibition. Phenytoin, car-bamazepine and, possibly, valproate (VPA) decrease high-frequency repetitive firing of action potentials by enhancing Na channel inactivation. Ethosuximide and VPA reduce a low threshold (T-type) Ca-channel current. The mechanisms of action of recently developed AEDs are less clear. Lamotrigine may decrease sustained high-frequency repetitive firing of voltage-dependent Na action potentials, and gabapentin (GBP) appears to bind to a specific binding site in the CNS with a restricted regional distribution. However, the identity of the binding site and the mechanism of action of GBP remain uncertain. The antiepileptic effect of felbamate may involve interaction at the strychnine-insensitive glycine site of the Af-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, but the mechanism of action is not yet proven.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65554/1/j.1528-1157.1994.tb05955.x.pd

    Predictors of Stroke, Myocardial Infarction or Death within 30 Days of Carotid Artery Stenting: Results from the International Carotid Stenting Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), and death are complications of carotid artery stenting (CAS). The effect of baseline patient demographic factors, processes of care, and technical factors during CAS on the risk of stroke, MI, or death within 30 days of CAS in the International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS) were investigated. METHODS: In ICSS, suitable patients with recently symptomatic carotid stenosis > 50% were randomly allocated to CAS or endarterectomy. Factors influencing the risk of stroke, MI, or death within 30 days of CAS were examined in a regression model for the 828 patients randomized to CAS in whom the procedure was initiated. RESULTS: Of the patients, 7.4% suffered stroke, MI, or death within 30 days of CAS. Independent predictors of risk were age (risk ratio [RR] 1.17 per 5 years of age, 95% CI 1.01-1.37), a right-sided procedure (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.32-0.91), aspirin and clopidogrel in combination prior to CAS (compared with any other antiplatelet regimen, RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.36-0.98), smoking status, and the severity of index event. In patients in whom a stent was deployed, use of an open-cell stent conferred higher risk than use of a closed-cell stent (RR 1.92, 95% CI 1.11-3.33). Cerebral protection device (CPD) use did not modify the risk. CONCLUSIONS: Selection of patients for CAS should take into account symptoms, age, and side of the procedure. The results favour the use of closed-cell stents. CPDs in ICSS did not protect against stroke

    Effect of temperature anisotropy on various modes and instabilities for a magnetized non-relativistic bi-Maxwellian plasma

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    Using kinetic theory for homogeneous collisionless magnetized plasmas, we present an extended review of the plasma waves and instabilities and discuss the anisotropic response of generalized relativistic dielectric tensor and Onsager symmetry properties for arbitrary distribution functions. In general, we observe that for such plasmas only those electromagnetic modes whose magnetic field perturbations are perpendicular to the ambient magneticeld, i.e.,B1 \perp B0, are effected by the anisotropy. However, in oblique propagation all modes do show such anisotropic effects. Considering the non-relativistic bi-Maxwellian distribution and studying the relevant components of the general dielectric tensor under appropriate conditions, we derive the dispersion relations for various modes and instabilities. We show that only the electromagnetic R- and L- waves, those derived from them and the O-mode are affected by thermal anisotropies, since they satisfy the required condition B1\perpB0. By contrast, the perpendicularly propagating X-mode and the modes derived from it (the pure transverse X-mode and Bernstein mode) show no such effect. In general, we note that the thermal anisotropy modifies the parallel propagating modes via the parallel acoustic effect, while it modifies the perpendicular propagating modes via the Larmor-radius effect. In oblique propagation for kinetic Alfven waves, the thermal anisotropy affects the kinetic regime more than it affects the inertial regime. The generalized fast mode exhibits two distinct acoustic effects, one in the direction parallel to the ambient magnetic field and the other in the direction perpendicular to it. In the fast-mode instability, the magneto-sonic wave causes suppression of the firehose instability. We discuss all these propagation characteristics and present graphic illustrations

    Minimal Model Holography for SO(2N)

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    A duality between the large N 't Hooft limit of the WD_N minimal model CFTs and a higher spin gravity theory on AdS3 is proposed. The gravity theory has massless spin fields of all even spins s=2,4,6,..., as well as two real scalar fields whose mass is determined by the 't Hooft parameter of the CFT. We show that, to leading order in the large N limit, the 1-loop partition function of the higher spin theory matches precisely with the CFT partition function.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe